• Special places to stay

  • A home from home

  • The stamp of quality

  • you arrive as a guest and
    you leave us as a friend


TURIHAB StructureThere are four small working committees within TURIHAB: all but one of which (the "Comissão Consultiva"), are comprised of, and voted by, the house owners themselves, thus ensuring a high level of co-operation and representation for the houses. The following is a brief description of the various committees:

  1. Direção (board):
    This committee comprises of five elected members: a president, vice-president, accountant, secretary and one other member. This group oversees the day-to-day organisation and marketing of TURIHAB. Additionally, they are sometimes called upon by the government to give lectures at conferences concerning Historic Housing Tourism;
  2. Assembleia Geral (General Assembly):
    This committee sets down the rules which all houses are to abide by. Within it are a president, vice- president and secretary, also elected by TURIHAB members;
  3. Conselho Fiscal (Fiscal Council): there are four people in this council who oversee the accounts, and regularise budgets, etc;
  4. Comissão Consultiva (counsellor group):
    This comprises of three members, who are chosen by the Direcção who are generally one of the best in their respective professions. This group offers advice to the house proprietors on interior decor, refurbishment’s, renovations etc., ensuring that the houses remain in authentic local styles during any re-developments.

In addition, this committee assists in the classification of new members.